Sunday, December 14, 2008

The First

OK, I figure that I read enough blogs by other people and enjoy the way people express themselves (sometime). So...why shouldn't I express myself and keep people (i.e. anyone who cares) apprised of what I'm up to on a weekly basis. I plan to use this blog primarily to keep the people in my life connected to what I'm doing, but if I end up reaching more people than that... cool.

What will you find here? Well, the name of the blog is a play on the terrain in Florida and how it relates to the bike racing (cycling). We down here in the Sunshine State like to think that we are some of the fastest in the country - of course, don't take us uphill because that changes things. Thus, you will find (you guessed it) things relating to cycling. These things include training rides, race reports, and photos (if I get the wife to actually get me in the photos at races). To the extent I have anything to contribute to the pool of knowledge concerning racing tactics, lessons learned, riders to be avoided (squirrels), and/or product reviews, I'll put it up here too.

What else??? I'll also keep interested folk up to date with random things going on in Miami, or whereever I am, and in my life with photos and accompanying script. Don't get too excited, I don't live the most exciting life, but that's what makes blogging great - you can live a mundane, everyday life, and write about it like you are SOMEBODY and as if anyone other than you is going to check out the posts (OK, maybe the people in your fav-five... if you tell them to... and even then it will probably only be the first time)

So...enjoy! I know I will.

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